guides out there for world of warcraft, but you probobly don't what exacly
is in the guides. Most of the times it will semme as you purchased a
leveling guide and when you start to read it you rellise that it some kind
of general reference guide of some sort that in fact you will prabobly
know all ready the half of the references because of your expirences of
This guide is a insallebly guide that will not be on seperat window wiyel
you play but it will be in the game. That means no more pausing the game
and looking on the guide on the other window or on some pieces of paper.
It will be there 100% of the time in the game ready to help you. Also this
a new and improved guide that has been prooven the best detailed guide in
the hole entier world. But don't worry there will be an step-by-step guide
to show you how to install the program with very easy to undurstand
steps. There is going to be detail on this, like 99.99% of the time you
will have dot on your map or on your minimap that will show you exacly
where the location to ask for a task or when a task is proformed and will
know where to go all the time, no struggles. Like in the insalling process
there will be an step-by-step format in detail, when I say in detail it
means that you will know where you need to go, who you need to talk to,
what quest you need to do or those you better not do, you will know what
monster to kill and what items to get and need and how much.
I can not tell you every thing here so if your ready to try click on one
of my links.
If you want more info go check out this: