making in warcraft. This is because of the Mage Class' ability to lure
mobs almost as much as they want, this is because they can do some cool
area damage that other Classes can't. It is pretty easy to see why this
ability is so valuable if you know how to use it. But how can you put the
Mage's ability and put it all together to make some serious gold. Let's
take a look at a few things.
The cool thin with AOE is that you does not have to target induvidial
mobs, but you can target a area insted. If you are the anchor then the
damage effects radiate outward to a pre-determined range that affect all
targets within the area. This is really some powerful skills to have.
Take your mage and go to Outlands, more specifically Nagrand, this is a
great place for you to make some gold. These primals sells for around 30g.
Another place you should visit with your beloved Mage, is Torokkar Forest,
there are many great loots around here. The Warp Stalker will give you
Warped Flesh at a high drop rate. You could me smart and learn the
skinning proffession. You can get a lot of high priced leather from the
basilisk. Way to often you will see palyers struggling to make gold, if
they have thought more about their professions skills, then it would not
be as hard. You can also get the Chunk O Basilisk which is equally
valuable. You can really stock up and make some serious profit this way.
This was a few of my favorite tips to make gold in World of Warcraft with
your mage. Use your imagination and get creative, there is a ton of gold
to make for all the Classes but the Mage Class is one of the best.